- Mesaje si urari de Sf Stefan
- Mesaje Sf Nicolae
- Mesaje Sf Andrei
- Mesaje Sfantul Victor
- Mesaje Sf. Mihail si Gavril
- SMS de Sfanta Marie - Mesaje si Urari Sf Maria
- Urari si mesaje de Sf. Ilie
- Mesaje Sf Constantin si Elena
- Mesaje de Florii
- Mesaje si urari Sf. Gheorghe
- Mesaje Sf Ion
- Mesaje Sf Petru si Pavel
- Urari de Sf Vasile - Sms-uri de onomastica Vasile
- SMS de Revelion - Mesaje de An Nou, urari, felicit...
- Sms de Craciun - Urari si felicitari de Mos Craciu...
- SMS de Halloween
- SMS de Mos Nicolae - Urari de bine
- Urari de 1 mai muncitoresc - Mesaje & sms-uri
- Mesaje 1 iunie - Urari ziua copilului
- Mesaje Paste - Urari si sms-uri de Pasti
- Mesaje 1 Aprilie - SMS de pacaleala
- Mesaje 8 martie - SMS Ziua Femeii
- SMS de 1 martie - Mesaje Martisor
- Mesaje Valentine's Day, SMS-uri Dragobete, Urari d...
- SMS Bebe - Mesaje Botez
- Mesaje si felicitari Absolvire
- Mesaje Dor - Sms de dor
- Mesaje Impacare - Sms-uri de impacat
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- Mesaje Zi de nastere
duminică, 18 decembrie 2011
La multi ani 2012 - Mesaje
Toate mesajele si urarile pe blog-culinare.blogspot.com
marți, 22 noiembrie 2011
Colinde Craciun 2011 / Songs Chrismas
- Colinde - O holy night
- Colinde - Silent night
- Colinde - Carol of the bells
- Colinde - Sorcova
- Colinde de Craciun - Jingle bells
- Colinde - Intr-o noapte sfanta
- Colinde de Craciun - Leru-i ler
- Colinde de Craciun - Trei crai de la rasarit
- Colinde - Santa claus is coming to town
- Colinde - Feliz navidad
- Colinde de Craciun - Cerul si pamantul
- Colinde - Deck the halls
- Colinde de Craciun - Clopotei,clopotei
- Colinde - Inchinarea pastorilor
- Colinde - White Christmas
- Colinde - Asta-i casa cea frumoasa
- Colinde - Scoala gazda din patut
- Colinde - Pe podele de nuiele
- Colinde de Craciun - Noi umblam si colindam
- We wish you a Merry Christmas
- Colinde de Craciun - Astazi S-a nascut Hristos
- Colinde - Galbena gutuie
- Colinde - Ninge iar
- Cantec de Craciun
- Colinde - Domn, Domn sa-naltam
- Colindita
- La Viflaim , colo-n jos
- Colinde de Craciun - Din cer senin
- Buna dimineata la Mos Ajun!
- O, ce veste minunată
- Mos Craciun cu plete dalbe
- Colinde - Sus la poarta raiului
- Colinde - O, brad frumos
- Colinde - Plugusorul
- Cerul si pamantul
- Colinde - Aseara pe-nserate
- Colinde de Craciun - Noapte de vis
- Dupa datini colindam
- Colindam iarna
- Colinde de Craciun - Trei pastori
- Cleopatra Stratan - Maria si iosif colinda
- Colinde - Steaua sus rasare
- Colinde - Florile dalbe
- Colinde de Craciun - Deschide usa crestine
miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011
Retete de prajituri - www.blog-culinare.blogspot.com
http://www.blog-culinare.blogspot.com Retete de prajituri, torturi si intreaga bucatarie culinara. Retete culinare in fiecare zi culese din online-ul romanesc
luni, 5 septembrie 2011
Colinde - La Betleem colo-n jos
La Betleem colo-n jos
Cerul arde luminos
Naşte astăzi pe Hristos
Naşte-n iezlea boilor
Pe-mpăratul tuturor
Stă şi plânge-ncetişor
Nu mai plânge maica mea
Scutecele noi ţï-om da
Pentru pruncul de-mpărat
Colinda Ninge iar
Ninge iar, ninge iar,
Pe un moş milenar
Şi în alba seară de ajun
Toţi copii din lume îi spun
Într-o mie de glasuri:
Bine-ai venit Moş Crăciun!
Ninge iar, ninge iar,
Pe un brad de Ianuar
Îngerii din cer ne-au adus
Veste de la cel de sus
S-a născut Mesia
Domnul nostru Iisus.
Ninge iar, ninge iar,
Pe un bătrân calendar,
Pleacă anul, pleacă grăbit,
La-s să plece, nu-i de oprit
Poate vine altul
Mai bun şi mai fericit.
Aho, aho, copii şi fraţi,
Staţi puţin şi nu mânaţi
Şi cuvântul mi-ascultaţi:
Am plecat să colindăm
Pe la case să urăm,
Pluguşorul românesc
Obiceiul strămoşesc.
Vă urăm cum se cuvine
Pentru anul care vine
Holde mari
Cu bobul des
Şi pe creste
Şi pe şes!
Câte mere în livezi
Atâtea vite-n cirezi;
Câtă apă în izvoare
Atâta lapte-n sistare;
Să ne fîe-ndestulată
Casa toată!
Ţara toată!
Ia mai mânaţi, măi flăcăi!
Şi strigaţi cu toţii măi!
Hai, Hai...
Colinda Trei Pastori
Trei păstori se întâlniră
Şi aşa se sfătuiră
Raza soarelui
Floarea Soarelui
Haideţi fraţilor, să mergem
Floricele să culegem
Raza soarelui
Floarea Soarelui
Să le culegem cu viţă
Să-mpletim o cununiţă
Raza soarelui
Floarea Soarelui
Şi să facem o cunună
S-o împletim cu voie bună
Raza soarelui
Floarea Soarelui
Să o ducem lui Hristos
Să ne fie de folos
Raza soarelui
Floarea Soareluï
La anu si La multi ani!
Colinde - Buna dimineata la Mos Ajun
Bună dimineaţa
La Moş Ajun,
La Moş Ajun
Ne daţi, ne daţi,
Ne daţi ori nu ne daţi,
Ne daţi, ne daţi,
Ne daţi ori nu ne daţi.
Buna dimineaţa
La Moş Ajun
Ne daţi ori nu ne daţi,
Ne daţi ori nu ne daţi.
Am venit şi noi odată
La un an cu sănătate,
Domnul sus să ne ajute
La covrigi şi la nuci multe.
Colinda - Am plecat sa colindam
Am plecat să colindăm,
Domn, domn să-nălţăm,
Când boierii nu-s acasă,
Domn, domn să-nălţăm.
C-au plecat la vânătoare,
Domn, domn să-nălţăm,
Să vâneze caprioare,
Domn, domn să-nălţăm,
Căprioare n-au vânat,
Domn, domn să-nălţăm,
Ci-au vânat un iepuraş,
Domn, domn să-nălţăm,
Să facă din pielea lui
Domn, domn să-nălţăm,
Veşmânt frumos Domnului
Domn, domn să-nălţăm.
Colinda - Sus la Poarta Raiului
Sus, la poarta Raiului
Poarta Raiului
Paşte turma Tatălui
Turma Tatălui.
Linu-i lin şi iară lin,
Bate vântul frunza lin,
Lin şi iara lin.
Dar la poartă cine stă,
Oare cine stă ?
Stă chiar Maica Precistă,
Maica Precistă.
Linu-i lin şi iară lin,
Bate vântul frunza lin,
Lin şi iara lin.
Lângă ea, un legănel,
Da, un legănel,
Cu un copilaş în el,
Copilaş în el.
Linu-i lin şi iară lin,
Bate vântul frunza lin,
Lin şi iara lin.
Copilaşul când plţngea,
Puiul când plângea,
Maica Sfântă-l legăna,
Maica-l legăna.
Linu-i lin şi iară lin,
Bate vântul frunza lin,
Lin şi iara lin.
Colinde - Noua azi ne-a rasarit
Nouă azi ne-a răsărit
Domnul Iisus Christos,
Mesia cel mult dorit
Domnul Iisus Christos.
Din fecioară s-a născut,
Domnul Iisus Christos,
Şi cu lapte s-a crescut,
Domnul Iisus Christos.
Cum e robul s-a smerit,
Domnul Iisus Christos,
Şi pe noi ne-a mântuit,
Domnul Iisus Christos.
Colinde - Astazi S-a Nascut Hristos
Astăzi s-a născut Hristos
Mesia chip luminos
Lăudaţi şi cântaţi,
Şi vă bucuraţi!!!
Mititel înfăşăţel,
În scutec de bumbăcel
Lăudaţi şi cântaţi
Şi vă bucuraţi!!!
Vântul bate, nu-l răzbate,
Neaua ninge, nu-l atinge
Lăudaţi şi cântaţi
Şi vă bucuraţi!!!
Colinde - Aseara pe asfintit
Aseară, pe asfinţit,
Mândra stea ne-a răsărit.
După care noi ne-am dus,
Să-l căutăm pe Iisus.
Pe fiuţul Mariei,
În pământul Galileii.
Zice-se că, Maria
Din casă-n casă umbla,
Să nască pe Mesia.
Şi'ntr-o peşteră a intrat,
De nimeni nu s-a 'ntrebat.
Aici Domnul s-a născut,
Ce l-am aşteptat de mult.
Îngerii, cu flori în mână,
Împletesc mândra cunună.
Pe cunună-i scris frumos,
Astăzi s-a născut Hristos.
Nadia Ali - Rapture
Versuri Rapture
The night I laid my eyes on you
felt everything around me move
Got nervous when you looked my way
But you knew all the words to say
Then your love slowly moved right in
All this time oh my love where you been
Mi amore don't you know
My love I want you so
Sugar you make my soul complete
Rapture tastes so sweet
Since we connect behind closed doors
Spark this fire even more
No telling where we will be next
Surrender to your rapture arrest
Lay your head let the slumber float
Can't resist that's why words were wrote
La La La La La... (reapet x3)
sâmbătă, 3 septembrie 2011
Cesaria Evora - concert 5 octombrie 2011
Cesaria Evora concert Sala Palatului Bucuresti, 5 octombrie 2011
videoclip Cesaria Evora - Besame Mucho
Cesaria Evora sau ''Diva desculta'' cum a fost denumita pe toate continentele datorita aparitiilor sale pe scena, revine la Bucuresti in 5 octombrie 2011 la Sala Palatului. Desi Cesaria se simte acasa peste tot in lume chiar daca se afla in Polonia sau Brazilia, Cuba sau Italia, Romania ocupa un loc special in inima artistei. Cu toate ca ne-a vizitat tara de cateva ori pentru perioade scurte de timp, vorbeste despre Romania si fanii romani cu caldura si placere.
Dupa o copilarie nefericita si un inceput de cariera greoi, Cesaria incepe sa fie recunoscuta si apreciata pe plan international abia in 1988 odata cu lansarea primului sau album '' La Diva Aux Pieds Nus'' si primul sau concert sustinut in Paris. Trei ani mai tarziu in 1991, artista inregistreaza primul sau album acustic, album ce trezeste interesul ziaristilor de specialitate, aparand astfel primul articol pozitiv in publicatia ''Liberation''. Acest articol avea sa ii deschida drumul spre inimile viitorilor fani care de-a lungul timpului au ovationat-o si aplaudat-o la scena deschisa pe tot mapamondul.
Cesaria Evora reuseste de fiecare data sa transmita publicului sau nostalgie, eleganta si emotie. Adulata si venerata de tot globul, ''Diva desculta'' nu vrea sa-si uite radacinile si saracia in care ea a trait la inceputul vietii, motiv pentru care la fiecare concert ea canta in picioarele goale, amintind lumii intregi ca milioane de oameni traiesc inca in mizerie si saracie si printre ei traiesc multe diamante neslefuite ce asteapta o sansa de a fi descoperite.
Melodiile sale au fost fredonate de milioane de oameni, si chiar daca avem 20 sau 60 de ani este imposibil sa nu fi simtit emotia si caldura transmisa de versurile si ritmul din ''Besame Mucho'', ''Sentimento'' sau ''Cabo Verde''.
Pretul biletelor variaza de la 50 la 300 lei pentru VIP. Biletele pot fi acghizitionate atat online cat si la sala de spectacol.
videoclip Cesaria Evora - Besame Mucho
Cesaria Evora sau ''Diva desculta'' cum a fost denumita pe toate continentele datorita aparitiilor sale pe scena, revine la Bucuresti in 5 octombrie 2011 la Sala Palatului. Desi Cesaria se simte acasa peste tot in lume chiar daca se afla in Polonia sau Brazilia, Cuba sau Italia, Romania ocupa un loc special in inima artistei. Cu toate ca ne-a vizitat tara de cateva ori pentru perioade scurte de timp, vorbeste despre Romania si fanii romani cu caldura si placere.
Dupa o copilarie nefericita si un inceput de cariera greoi, Cesaria incepe sa fie recunoscuta si apreciata pe plan international abia in 1988 odata cu lansarea primului sau album '' La Diva Aux Pieds Nus'' si primul sau concert sustinut in Paris. Trei ani mai tarziu in 1991, artista inregistreaza primul sau album acustic, album ce trezeste interesul ziaristilor de specialitate, aparand astfel primul articol pozitiv in publicatia ''Liberation''. Acest articol avea sa ii deschida drumul spre inimile viitorilor fani care de-a lungul timpului au ovationat-o si aplaudat-o la scena deschisa pe tot mapamondul.
Cesaria Evora reuseste de fiecare data sa transmita publicului sau nostalgie, eleganta si emotie. Adulata si venerata de tot globul, ''Diva desculta'' nu vrea sa-si uite radacinile si saracia in care ea a trait la inceputul vietii, motiv pentru care la fiecare concert ea canta in picioarele goale, amintind lumii intregi ca milioane de oameni traiesc inca in mizerie si saracie si printre ei traiesc multe diamante neslefuite ce asteapta o sansa de a fi descoperite.
Melodiile sale au fost fredonate de milioane de oameni, si chiar daca avem 20 sau 60 de ani este imposibil sa nu fi simtit emotia si caldura transmisa de versurile si ritmul din ''Besame Mucho'', ''Sentimento'' sau ''Cabo Verde''.
Pretul biletelor variaza de la 50 la 300 lei pentru VIP. Biletele pot fi acghizitionate atat online cat si la sala de spectacol.
Deepside Deejays - Vara asta este zu
Let's do the Zu in the Zummer
Sky is so clear, sun is hotter
So i will Zu all the Zummer
All time, all day, your life
I'm missing the sun and the water
I Zu all time and i wonder
Can you try to Zu much more louder?
It's Zu time, it's Zummer!
Vara asta este Zu!
It's Zu my life, will be, all day i'll be
Today i'm leaving home, with worries no more
My cocktail is so cold, just like a :-??
Vara asta este Zu
My friends have all the land, let's stay we'll have
At party day will be, and now we'll make
Relaxing all the show, all days we go
Vara asta este Zu!
It's Zu time, it's Zummer
Let's do the Zu in the Zummer
Sky is so clear, sun is hotter
So i will Zu all the Zummer
All time, all day, your life
I'm missing the sun and the water
I Zu all time and i wonder
Can you try to Zu much more louder?
It's Zu tïme, it's Zummer!
Vara asta este Zu!
Festivalului internaţional “George Enescu”

Printre ofertele celor două zile ale acestui sfarsit de saptamana se numără, în Seria ‘Muzica secolului XXI/Enescu şi Contemporanii săi’, sâmbătă, 3 septembrie, la Sala ‘Mihail Jora’ a Societăţii Române de Radiodifuziune, întâlnirea cu formaţia ‘Camerata Regală’, dirijată de Cristian Lupeş, solist – pianistul Horia Maxim. Participă Corul de cameră ‘Preludiu’ al Centrului Naţional de Artă ‘Tinerimea Română’, dirijat de maestrul Voicu Enăchescu.
‘Concerte de la miezul nopţii’ propun, sâmbătă noaptea, la Ateneul Român, întâlnirea cu ‘Venice Baroque Orchestra’, avându-l ca solist pe Giuliano Carmignola.
Programul cuprinde lucrări de A. Vivaldi, T. Albinoni şi G. Tartini.
Tot sâmbătă, în premieră, la Opera Naţională Bucureşti (ONB), melomanii se vor putea întâlni cu marea muzică a operei ‘Lohengrin’ de Richard Wagner. Regia noii producţii a ONB îi aparţine lui Ştefan Neagrău, scenografia Adrianei Urmuzescu, iar la pupitrul dirijoral se va afla maestrul Cristian Mandeal.
Alegerea acestui titlu nu este una deloc întâmplătoare – teatrul liric bucureştean anticipează aniversarea a 90 de ani de la instituţionalizare, spectacolul inaugural desfăşurat la data de 8 decembrie 1921 fiind cu acelaşi titlu, interpretat atunci sub bagheta lui George Enescu însuşi.
Duminică, în Seria ‘Muzica secolului XXI/Enescu şi Contemporanii săi’, melomanii vor putea audia, la Ateneul Român, Orchestra Naţională de Cameră a Republicii Moldova, dirijată de Cristian Florea.
Tot duminică, de la ora 19,00, la Sala Mare a Teatrului Naţional ‘I.L. Caragiale’, invitaţii ‘Întâlnirilor JTI’ vor fi celebrul coregraf Gigi Căciuleanu şi Compania Naţională de Balet din Chile, ‘El Banch’, care vor susţine spectacolul ‘Noche Bach’, pe muzica lui Johann Sebastian Bach.
La Ateneul Român, ‘Concerte de la miezul nopţii’ oferă, şi duminică noaptea, întâlnirea cu formaţia ‘Il Complesso Barocco’, dirijată de Alan Curtis.( AGERPRES)
vineri, 2 septembrie 2011
Top 10 MTV Video Music Awards Highlights
1. Video of the Year winner Katy Perry Firecracker my pick Adele Rolling in the Deep. Nothing against the talented Katy Perry I like her too but The Official Charts Company announced that Adele is the first living artist to achieve the feat of two top five hits in both the Official Singles Chart and the Official Albums Chart simultaneously since The Beatles in 1964 with her song "Someone Like You".
2. Best Video with a Message winner Lady Gaga, Born this Way my pick Pink, F**** Perfect both are harsh videos with a definite message. I don't know what to make of Lady Gaga sometimes, I was confused by the whole Joe Calderone entrance at the awards show. I liked when she power sang, "You and I", she's just as talented without the drama. Pink's video is disturbing but maybe something parent's should watch, and observe this generation, their emotions and what they are listening to and watching and singing about. Personally, I like Pink and she's a local. She grew up in Doylestown and attended Central Bucks West High School.
3. Best Male Video winner Justin Bieber, U Smile. I must admit it was my first experience with Bieber Fever. Maybe if I were 17 again, I would be dazzled. My crush was Davey Jones of the Monkees, David Cassidy and later when I matured Dave Mason. I am sensing a pattern here maybe I was star struck.
4. Best Female Video winner Lady Gaga, Born This Way. It must be her year. I am still staying consistent with Adele, Rolling in the Thunder. In my opinion she was definitely overlooked. It is such a powerful song. Every one has their own tastes.
5. Best Rock Video winner Foo Fighters "Walk" no dispute from me. I thought the video was creative, funny and very true to life, the ending was a little weird. Job well done, in my opinion. I was laughing throughout the video.
6. Britany Spears won the first ever Michael Jackson Vanguard Award the tribute was entertaining, highlighting some of her hits and choreography.
7. Beyonce is having a baby as she announced to the public while revealing a little bulge after her live performance of "Love on Top" at the MTV Video Awards. Imagine a combo of such talented parents, Beyonce and Jay Z. Congratulations to the parents to be.
8. Chris Brown's live performance of Yeah 3X, Protect Ya Neck, Teen Spirit and Beautiful was spectacular. I won't be a spoiler. Check out the video at MTV. I was mesmerized. How is he doing that? He rivals the great dancer Michael Jackson. I was impressed.
9. Russell Brand, an English comedian, actor, columnist, singer, author, radio/television presenter and husband of Katy Perry. Brand is a former heroin and sex addict and a recovering alcoholic. He spoke of Amy Winehouse and the first impression he had of her as a daft, spacey girl and then he heard her sing and thought she was a genius. He spoke of alcohol and drug addition and "you can get help". He then introduced Tony Bennett who praised her voice and showed clips of the last recording Amy Winehouse did with him at Abbey Road Studios on March 23, 2011f or an upcoming album called Duets, scheduled to be released September 20th, 2011, "Body and Soul" is the name of the track. I had read the song was going to be released as a single with all proceeds going to the Amy Winehouse Foundation but I haven't heard of any updates.
10. Bruno Mars sang "Valerie" a song written by the Zutons that later Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson covered. It became a big hit for both performers. Bruno Mars rocked the house. Warning the song is addictive, no disrespect intended. It was a very moving and sentimental tribute. I am a new fan of Bruno Mars.
Videos of all of the performances can be found at MTV.com and On Demand along with a full list of the nominees and the winners. I highly recommend Bruno Mars, "Valerie" and the Chris Brown spectacular. That is where my votes go. Two thumbs up! Valerie is best viewed on a big screen, if you do not have On Demand, phone a friend. It is worth it.
2. Best Video with a Message winner Lady Gaga, Born this Way my pick Pink, F**** Perfect both are harsh videos with a definite message. I don't know what to make of Lady Gaga sometimes, I was confused by the whole Joe Calderone entrance at the awards show. I liked when she power sang, "You and I", she's just as talented without the drama. Pink's video is disturbing but maybe something parent's should watch, and observe this generation, their emotions and what they are listening to and watching and singing about. Personally, I like Pink and she's a local. She grew up in Doylestown and attended Central Bucks West High School.
3. Best Male Video winner Justin Bieber, U Smile. I must admit it was my first experience with Bieber Fever. Maybe if I were 17 again, I would be dazzled. My crush was Davey Jones of the Monkees, David Cassidy and later when I matured Dave Mason. I am sensing a pattern here maybe I was star struck.
4. Best Female Video winner Lady Gaga, Born This Way. It must be her year. I am still staying consistent with Adele, Rolling in the Thunder. In my opinion she was definitely overlooked. It is such a powerful song. Every one has their own tastes.
5. Best Rock Video winner Foo Fighters "Walk" no dispute from me. I thought the video was creative, funny and very true to life, the ending was a little weird. Job well done, in my opinion. I was laughing throughout the video.
6. Britany Spears won the first ever Michael Jackson Vanguard Award the tribute was entertaining, highlighting some of her hits and choreography.
7. Beyonce is having a baby as she announced to the public while revealing a little bulge after her live performance of "Love on Top" at the MTV Video Awards. Imagine a combo of such talented parents, Beyonce and Jay Z. Congratulations to the parents to be.
8. Chris Brown's live performance of Yeah 3X, Protect Ya Neck, Teen Spirit and Beautiful was spectacular. I won't be a spoiler. Check out the video at MTV. I was mesmerized. How is he doing that? He rivals the great dancer Michael Jackson. I was impressed.
9. Russell Brand, an English comedian, actor, columnist, singer, author, radio/television presenter and husband of Katy Perry. Brand is a former heroin and sex addict and a recovering alcoholic. He spoke of Amy Winehouse and the first impression he had of her as a daft, spacey girl and then he heard her sing and thought she was a genius. He spoke of alcohol and drug addition and "you can get help". He then introduced Tony Bennett who praised her voice and showed clips of the last recording Amy Winehouse did with him at Abbey Road Studios on March 23, 2011f or an upcoming album called Duets, scheduled to be released September 20th, 2011, "Body and Soul" is the name of the track. I had read the song was going to be released as a single with all proceeds going to the Amy Winehouse Foundation but I haven't heard of any updates.
10. Bruno Mars sang "Valerie" a song written by the Zutons that later Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson covered. It became a big hit for both performers. Bruno Mars rocked the house. Warning the song is addictive, no disrespect intended. It was a very moving and sentimental tribute. I am a new fan of Bruno Mars.
Videos of all of the performances can be found at MTV.com and On Demand along with a full list of the nominees and the winners. I highly recommend Bruno Mars, "Valerie" and the Chris Brown spectacular. That is where my votes go. Two thumbs up! Valerie is best viewed on a big screen, if you do not have On Demand, phone a friend. It is worth it.
Corina - No Sleeping
There's no time-time, time-time
There's no time-time, time-time
There's no time-time, time-time
There's no time-time, time-time time.
There's no time-time time for sleepin' sleepin',
We going out-out out no sleepin'-sleepin' tonight (x4)
I'm feeling naughty, i'm feeling good, i'm feeling pretty
Ain't got no plans,
Ain't got no job,
Ain't got no meeting.
But i get my friends and no excite in world to party, And all the people follow me and now i got
There's no time for sleepin' tonight (x2)
There's no time-time time for sleepin' sleepin',
We going out-out out no sleepin'-sleepin' tonight (x2)
I party like a rockstar-star,
Party like non stop on the car (?),
They say i'm bizzare but they love the way I are.
I don't row an' show and ain't going no one for,
Work-oholic, yes, Ha-Ha-Ha Production.
Fresh the pool, ready for whatever
Reach my tong 'cuz i'll be lation,
Let's get loud from E-E-Egypt to Cancun now.
Fellas' get so franky, WOW, 'cuz these girls they don't WOW, Ooo-La-La it's true,
You know how we do.
There's no time for sleepin' tonight (x2)
There's no time-time time for sleepin' sleepin',
We going out-out out no sleepin'-sleepin' tonight (x2)
There's no time-time time for sleepin' sleepin',
We going out-out out no sleepin'-sleepin' tonight (x2)
Twenty four 'round the clock,
P-P-Party don't stop,
Twenty four round the clock,
We going now, we going now, yeah.
Voxis - I Just Wanna
I just wanna hold ya
I just wanna kiss ya
Wrap my arms around you
Cuz loving you is so true.
I just wanna hold ya
I just wanna kiss ya
Wrap my arms around you
Cuz loving you is so true.
I just wanna hold ya.
I just wanna hold ya.
Tonight we're gonna celebrate our love
For all the people in the world
Tonight we're gonna celebrate our love
We wanna sing to the world.
The world x 5
We're gonna sing
To the world
The world x 6
I just wanna hold ya
I just wanna kiss ya
Wrap my arms around you
Cuz loving you is so true.
I just wanna hold ya
I just wanna kiss ya
Wrap my arms around you
Cuz loving you is so true.
I just wanna hold ya.
I just wanna hold ya.
I just wanna hold ya.
Tonight we're gonna celebrate our love
For all the people in the world
Tonight we're gonna celebrate our love
We wanna sing to the world.
The world x 5
Sing to the world
The world x 9
I just wanna hold ya.
I just wanna hold ya
I just wanna kiss ya
Wrap my arms around you
Cuz loving you is so true.
I just wanna hold ya!
Liviu Hodor feat Mona - Sweet love
bigest smile in my heart
nothing can tear us appart
i've been searching for you all this time
keep your eyes on my lips
cuz it's them that you miss
i'll be there when you need my love
i need tonight love you love love you love by my side cuz i'll be waiting for you
sweet love tonight love you love you love you love by side cuz i'll be waiting for you love
let's fly together
let's get this dream forever
let's dance like we're in heaven just give me your sweet love
let's fly together
let's get this dream forever
let's dance like we're in heaven you know your my sweet love
let's fly together
let's get this dream forever
let's dance like we're in heaven just give me your sweet love
let's fly together
let's get this dream forever
let's dance like we're in heaven you know your my sweet love
i need tonight love you love love you love by my side cuz i'll be waiting for you
sweet love tonight love you love you love you love by side cuz i'll be waiting for you love
let's fly together
let's get this dream forever
let's dance like we're in heaven just give me your sweet love
let's fly together
let's get this dream forever
let's dance like we're in heaven you know your my sweet love
let's fly together
let's get this dream forever
let's dance like we're in heaven just give me your sweet love
let's fly together
let's get this dream forever
let's dance like we're in heaven you know your my sweet love
say that you love me love me (x6).
Kobi Peretz - Some Love
Yearnings from your heart
Are always touching me
It is from the heart, straight from the heart
Glances from your eyes
Are exciting for me
I love you untill it (hurts so much)
I love you when you laugh
And not when you are crying
I want you happy, not naïve
How, how much love there is in the soul
Even when you cry, you are so beautiful
How much love, there is in you, my soul
When you are happy, you are always beautiful
Thousands of stars will paint your portrait
It is exciting, it is like fire
And waves will never erase your name
It is perfect, and it exists.
Dony & Elena - Hot Girls
We’re gonna hit the floor
Baby wants some more
We’re gonna dance and scream let’s get together
La la la
Get wild and nasty girl
Don’t hesitate let’s go
We’re gonna dance and scream let’s get together
La la la
Everybody’s getting naughty (la la la)
Everybody’s getting naughty (la la la)
We’re dancing round and round
I lose myself around!
Everybody’s getting naughty
G-g-going down
Going down, going down down down
I wanna scream, I wanna dance
I need a hot girl
I got to feel, I gotta feel, I gotta see
I wanna touch her
Let me be the one you need oh oh
Cause you’re everything I feel oh oh
I wanna scream, I wanna dance
You need a hot girl
I gotta feel, I gotta feel, I gotta see
You wanna touch her
Let me be the one you need! oh oh
Cause you’re everything I feel! oh oh
We’re gonna hit the floor
Baby wants some more
We’re gonna dance and scream let’s get together
La la la
Get wild and nasty girl
Don’t hesitate let’s go
We’re gonna dance and scream let’s get together
La la la
Everybody’s getting naughty (la la la)
Everybody’s getting naughty (la la la)
We’re dancing round and round
I lose myself around!
Everybody’s getting naughty
G-g-going down
Going down, going down down down.
Enrique Iglesias - Dirty Dancer
Dirty dirty dancer
'Nother day, 'nother night
And she acting like she don't sleep
She's a five when she drinks
But she's a ten when she's on top of me
She don't want love she just wanna touch
She's a greedy girl to never get enough
She don't wanna love she just wanna touch
Got all the moves that make you get it up
She's a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer,
Never ever lonely
She's a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancer
You'll never be her only
She's a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer,
Never ever lonely
She's a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancer
You'll never be her only
It's a game
That she plays
She can win with her eyes closed
It's insane how she tames
She can turn you to an animal
She don't want love she just wanna touch
She's a greedy girl to never get enough
She don't wanna love she just wanna touch
She's got all the moves that make you give it up
She's a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer,
Never ever lonely
She's a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancer
You'll never be her only
She's a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer,
Never ever lonely
She's a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancer
You'll never be her only
Never be her only
She never satisfied
You better do it right
Before you're lonely
No, she's never satisfied
You better do it right
Before you're lonely
She's a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer,
Never ever lonely
She's a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancer
You'll never be her only
She's a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer,
Never ever lonely
She's a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancer
You'll never be her only
You'll never be her only
The girl don't stop
Dirty dancer
The girl don't stop
The girl don't stop
Dirty dancer
The girl don't stop
The girl don't stop
Dirty dancer
The girl don't stop
The girl don't stop.
Amna - Tell Me Why
Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me, to love me high
Please tell me why
Tell me why.
Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me, to love me high
Please tell me why
Tell me why.
Now when I saw you first time
You got into my mind
Baby I want you to know.
With every thing I see
With every word I say
I love you more and more every day.
Now tell me why,
You said goodbye.
Now tell me why,
You said goodbye.
Now tell me why,
You said goodbye.
Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me, to love me high
Please tell me why
Tell me why.
Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me, to love me high
Please tell me why
Tell me why.
Now when I saw you first time
You got into my mind
Baby I want you to know.
With every thing I see
With every word I say
I love you more and more every day.
Now tell me why,
You said goodbye.
Now tell me why,
You said goodbye.
Now tell me why,
You said goodbye.
Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me, to love me high
Please tell me why
Tell me why.
Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me, to love me high
Please tell me why
Tell me why.
Sean Paul & Alexis Jordan - Got 2 Luv U
Sean Paul & Alexis Jordan:
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you! [x3]
Sean Paul:
Girl don’t steal, to the point til I put you down..
report you don’t
…off the ground ..pick a
..only can’t leave himself alone
..baby telling me own.. alone make you start
hard and strong
coming like a star.
Refren Alexis Jordan:
I, I’ll do anything I could for ya
Boy you’re my only
I, I’m gonna flip the script on ya
You don’t even know me
Cause I am, I…I don’t even want to fight, fight, fight
Said I am, I…I ain’t even gonna fight it
Sean Paul & Alexis Jordan:
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you! [x2]
Sean Paul:
Girl I’ll be alone .. insecurity
I’ma start remind you .. set you free
that’s why me .. girl not ready
ready to.. check in ..
Make you lose ya mati girl
Refren Alexis Jordan:
I, I’ll do anything I could for ya
Boy you’re my only
I, I’m gonna flip the script on ya
You don’t even know me
Cause I am, I…I don’t even want to fight, fight, fight
Said I am, I…I ain’t even gonna fight it
Sean Paul & Alexis Jordan:
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you!
Got to love you! [x2]
Alexis Jordan:
It was fine .. in your own ..
but know it around
boy you got me, you can’t ignore it.
Refren Alexis Jordan:
I, I’ll do anything I could for ya
Boy you’re my only
I, I’m gonna flip the script on ya
You don’t even know me
Cause I am, I…I don’t even want to fight, fight, fight
Said I am, I…I ain’t even gonna fight it.
Fly Project - Goodbye
Verse 1
I remember your name crying in the rain
When you left and closed my door.
I remember myself in my emptiness,
Waiting for that special call.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I'm begging your eyes to cry.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I wish I've never said goodbye.
Verse 2
I remember your name crying in the rain
When you left and closed my door.
I remember myself in my emptiness,
Waiting for that special call.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I'm begging your eyes to cry.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I wish I've never said goodbye.
Introducing Chorus
Y tu sabes que dijo...
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
Verse 1
I remember your name crying in the rain
When you left and closed my door.
I remember myself in my emptiness,
Waiting for that special call.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I'm begging your eyes to cry.
I am begging you,
I am begging you,
I wish I've never said goodbye.
Introducing Chorus
Y tu sabes que dijo...
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye,
Don't say goodbye.
Andra - Telephone
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
I'll be going I'll be going my baby
I'll be going there is no reason to stay
That’s the only thing she said when she left him
Oooo yeah
Now he is sorry but he is sorry don’t matter
Now he is sorry but it’s really so late
That’s the only thing she said when she left him
On the telephone phone phone phone
phone phone
Phone phone
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
I'll be going I'll be going my baby
I'll be going there is no reason to stay
That’s the only thing she said when she left him
Oooo yeah
Now he is sorry but he is sorry don’t matter
Now he is sorry but it’s really so late
That’s the only thing she said when she left him
Oooo yeah
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
On the telephone phone phone phone
She said goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye.
Sasha Lopez - All My People
All my people on the floor,party all night
We want some more,some more
We're about to turn it on under the light
We never stop,we rock
Yes,Sasha Lopez,wants to see your body movin'
We're ready for the world
Let's go !
Hey mister lover,I need a dancer
To make me shake my boody
To make me break the floor
So show me your move
Your sexy ass move
You make me wanna touch,touch (x2)
All my people on the floor,party all night
We want some more,some more
We're about to turn it on under the light
We never stop,we rock,we rock (x2)
Let's go !
David Deejay - Perfect 2
Fell It, Fell It, All we need
The only thing that makes me feel a…. x4
You gotta feel me
You gotta be ready for this
Bring it louder yo
I was gone for a sec ei
Now I'm back again e e iei
I'm gonna make you dance
Sweet girl just shake that ass
I'm gonna do my thing to put you ….
Let's fly until there is no wind beneath our wings
Until we gonna loose attaching strings
Get all the hope we need from our dreams, Oh yeah
Oh, I… I need you like I never did before
I find in you the strength to carry on
Your love's the only thing that make me strong
Oh yeah
Love is all we …. […]
Let's fly until there is no wind beneath our wings
Until we gonna loose attaching strings
Get all the hope we need from our dreams, Oh yeah
Oh, I… I need you like I never did before
I find in you the strength to carry on
Your love's the only thing that make me strong
Ooo Yeah!
Love is all we need
The only thing that makes me feel alive
Oh yeah
All we'd ever need
The only thing I can't get of my mind
Oh Yeah
All we'd ever need…
You know what
You gotta know this
Cause I feel this Ha Ha Ha!
And every time I feel this
You gotta feel this
Cause you know what yeah yeah yeah
It's time now
Yo baby
This is what i got to say L.O.V.E
I was gone for a sec ei
Now I'm back again e e ei
I'm gonna make you dance...
Sweet gïrl just shake that ass
I'm gonna do my thing to put you …. 2x
Alexandra Stan - Get Back
Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah (x4)
Baby come to me,
And feel the waves,
Feel the waves...
Baby come to me,
Fall into place,
Fall in place...
You will want,
Wa-wa-wa want speaking,
Is no time,
And my se-se-se-sexy bikinis will drop.
Tic-tac-toe go play me nonstop
Tonight I will make you mine.
Boy you make me hi-hi-hi-hi-high tw-tw-tw-tw-ice
Get back A.S.A.P
Boy you make me hi-hi-hi-hi-high tw-tw-tw-tw-ice
Get back A.S.A.P (x2)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah [ x 8]
You will want,
Wa-wa-wa want speaking,
Is no time,
And my se-se-se-sexy bikinis will drop.
Tic-tac-toe go play me nonstop,
Tonight I will make you mine.
Boy you make me hi-hi-hi-hi-high tw-tw-tw-ice
Get back A.S.A.P [x 4]
Boy you make me high (hi-hi-hi-hi), to (to-to-to-to)
Get back A.S.A.P
Boy you make me high (hi-hi-hi-hi), to (to-to-to-to)
Get back A.S.A.P [x 2]
Akcent feat Ruxandra Bar - Feelings On Fire
Hand in hand we'll walk again
In wind and rain
There's no way to end
No reason to blame
These feelings on fire
Me and you the perfect view
It could be true
We've got love to share
The passion we wear
The feelings on fire
Refren: 'Cause I'm dreaming,
I'm dreaming of love and desire
And I'm needing,
I'm needing like ... night
'Cause you said ma feelings on fire
'Cause I'm dreaming,
I'm dreaming of love and desire
And I'm feeling, I'm feeling,
I'm needing the air
'Cause tonight ma love is on fire.
Azuro feat. Elly - Ti Amo
I’m on my own
Waiting for you in the dark
Feel so alone
Wanna hold you in my arms
Oh, I don’t wanna know
Where do you go
I need to feel that we’re in love again
Nothing is real
How does it feel that it’s over, it’s over, it’s over
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Wanna love you, be with you
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Wanna love you, be with you
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Show me the way
I follow you into the night
Kiss me awake
Take me to the other side
Oh, I don’t wanna know
Where do you go
I need to feel that we’re in love again
Nothing is real
How does it feel that it’s over, it’s over, it’s over
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Wanna love you, be with you
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Wanna love you, be with you
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Don’t say it’s over and over, over and over
Over, don’t break my heart
You take me higher and higher, a burnin’ desire
Feel my love
Mi amore mio ti amo
Mi amore mio ti amo
Mi amore mi
Mi amore mi
Mi amore mio ti amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Wanna love you, be with you
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Ti Amo Ti Amo
Wanna love you, be with you
Ti Amo Ti Amo.
Adrian Eftimie - Lonely
I thought you couldn't break me , it’s always been my call. I didn't see you leave, never felt
so lonely.
Papers are turning, you left me broken and you walked away, now I know just how it feels to be
Papers are turning, you left me broken and you walked away, now I know just how it feels to be
I thought that I could break you , to have you in my hand, but I was never close, never had a
Papers are turning, you left me broken and you walked away, now I know just how it feels to be
Papers are turning, you left me broken and you walked away, now I know just how it feels to be
To be lonely!
Papers are turning, you left me broken and you walked away, now I know just how it feels to be
Papers are turning, you left me broken and you walked away, now I know just how it feels to be
DJ Sava - Money Maker
No way you look girl,
No way you move girl,
You driving me crazy
You breaking the whole world
You got that bond girl,
That magic bond girl
So do your thing,
Shake that thing, money maker.
Do you like, do you like boom boom boom
Let that boy feel that zum zum zum
Up down, up down boom boom boom
Let the boy feel that zum zum. (x2)
Shake it girl, shake that money maker,
That money maker, like boom boom, boom boom. (x4)
Do you like, Do you like boom boom boom
Let that boy feel that zum zum zum
Up down, up down boom boom boom
Let the boy feel that zum zum. (x2)
Shake it girl, shake that money maker,
That money maker, like boom boom, boom boom. (x4)
Shake it girl, shake that money maker,
That money maker, like boom boom, boom boom. (x4)
Bob Sinclar ft. Raffaela Carra - Far L'amore
Se lui ti porta su un letto vuoto il vuoto daglielo indietro a lui, fagli
vedere che non e' un gioco, fagli capire quello che vuoi
ah ah ah a far l'amore comincia tu.....ah ah a far l'amore comincia tu..
E se si attacca col sentimento portalo in fondo ad un cielo blu, le sue
paure di quel momento le fai scoppiare soltanto tu
Scoppia scoppia mi sco, scoppia scoppia mi scoppia il cuor......
Liebe liebe liebe lei e' un disastro se te ne va, scoppia scoppia mi sco,
scoppia scoppia mi scoppia il cuor......
Nicole Schrezinger - Right There
It’s just another one
Another number one
I’m complex, difficult to understand
I don’t know if it’s staged
It’s just to make a better man
I wanna it in the morning
Right early I want it
I rise as the sunrise
Baby now get up on it
Give to me good
Shawty work it like it should
You follow instructions
Then I follow instructions
The ultimate seduction
More kissing and touching
Feels super natural
First chance I’m at you
Come here baby and be my baby
And be my baby oh oh oh
Come here baby put your hands on my body
Hands on my body oh oh oh
Right there keep it right there
I love when you put it right there oh oh oh
Yeah yeah oh oh oh
Me like the way that you hold my body
Me like the way that you touch my body
Me like the way that you kiss my yeah yeah yeah yeah me like it
Me like the way that he put it on me
Me like the way that he push up on me
Me like the way that he goin’ down down down down down
No you never gonna let no girl take him from me
Never gonna let no girl steal him from me
Never gonna let the girl keep the close now
I tell’em eh eh don’t too close now
Come here baby and be my baby
And be my baby oh oh oh
Come here baby put your hands on my body
Hands on my body oh oh oh
Right there keep it right there
I love when you put it right there oh oh oh
Yeah yeah oh oh oh
I like the way that you talk dirty
Don’t wash your mouth I I like it dirty
You like to please yeah I like that yeah yeah yeah yeah me like it
I like the way that you keep me coming
That, yeah, you so good you had me running
Me like the way that he goin’ down, down, down, down, down
No I ain’t never gonna let no girl take him from me
Never gonna let no girl steal him from me
Never gonna let the girl keep the close now
I tell’em, eh, eh, don’t too close now
Come here baby and be my baby
And be my baby oh oh oh
Come here baby put your hands on my body
Hands on my body oh oh oh
Right there keep it right there
I love when you put it right there oh oh oh
Yeah yeah oh oh oh
I like it when you freaky
I’m freaky
I’ll explore your body completely
Til you feel like you need me
Chest to chest
I reckon I get to kiss you in neck
Come correct to make a sweat
It’s making us wet
Say my name, say my name
Positions we change
I ain’t joking girl, I’m stroking
I ain’t playing no games
Jackpot, backshot
Still roughly taken
My pleasure is pleasing you
You should feel the same too
Do we know how to work it?
You got that got that
Put it on you work it
You got that got that
Do you feel good for your let down good for you yeah
He got that got that
All my girls if you mad put it down let me hear you say yeah
All my girls if you mad put it down let me hear you say yeah
Do we work that like you like that?
When you got up on that you do you right back?
Say yeah all my girls say yeah
Come here baby and be my baby
And be my baby oh oh oh
Come here baby put your hands on my body
Hands on my body oh oh oh
Right there keep it right there
I love when you put it right there oh, oh, oh,
Yeah, yeah, oh, oh, oh,
Antonia - Marionette
She says Hey! Wait
Listen now to what I’ve got to say
I don’t think I want it this way
We become some more Excuse and love that’s come undone
And how do we get so numb
I wanna be in your control
So unmerciful You can twist me and turn just don’t let me go
I wanna be your puppet on a string
Baby I’m not holding back
We can do anything
And even if I’m crazy is cause you make me this way
We’re as close to love as we’ll ever get
I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette x2
So lets play the charade
I’m helpless like a child lost in the dark
And I need you to light a spark
It’s a game but the same
I need to feel that this is love somehow
So don’t disconnect me now
I wanna be in your control
So unmerciful You can twist me and turn just don’t let me go
I wanna be your puppet on a string
Baby I’m not holding back
We can do anything
And even if I’m crazy is cause you make me this way
We’re as close to love as we’ll ever get
I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette x2
Laying head to head and toe to toe
And we’re body to body
I feel you beside me
We’re in this masquerade
A beautiful game or play
It’s so powerful with you controlling me I wanna be in you control
So unmerciful You can twist me and turn just don’t let me go
I wanna be your puppet on a string
Baby I’m not holding back
We can do anything
And even if I’m crazy is cause you make me this way
We’re as close to love as we’ll ever get I wanna be your marionette, marionette,
marionette. x2
Jennifer Lopez - I'm Into You
Hi! I'm Tone, The Man on the Moon,
I live on the beach, get the sand out ya shoes,
And all of that change since I meet you,
So we can that old shit in the restroom
Young Money!
You got me and I could not defend it,
I tried but I had to surrender,
Your style got me under the spell,
Let me no other choice but to get down .
Is too late [4x]
You got it [4x]
When I look into your eyes it's over,
You got me hooked with your love controller,
I'm tripping and I can not get over,
I'm feeling lucky like a four leaf clover,
I'm into you [x3]
I'm into you [x3]
Na na na na na na na na na-eh [x4]
Listen, i'm strong baby I bring the fight on
Sharp shooter you can call me the cyon
I'm not the one easy to get to
But all of that changed baby when I met you
Is too late [4x]
You got it [4x]
When I look into your eyes it's over,
You got me hooked with your love controller,
I'm tripping and I can not get over,
I'm feeling lucky like a four leaf clover,
I'm into you [x3]
I'm into you [x3]
Ok! I'm into you, like you never know,
I'm falling for you baby, i need the parachute,
So wet, I need a watsuit,
Your way to fly, I could be Ya Jet Fuel
How tell me what you like,
I like what you tell me,
And if you understand me,
You can overhelm me,
It's too late[2x]
Every finish line is the beginning of a new race ...
Move you but it [2x]
Dance we all what it
Rock you but it [2x]
Dance you but it.
When I look into your eyes it's over,
You got me hooked with your love controller,
I'm tripping and I can not get over,
I'm feeling lucky like a four leaf clover,
I'm into you [x3]
I'm into you [x3]
Na na na na na na na na na-eh eh eh [x4]
Im into you [3x]
Yeeah baby
Im into you [3x]
Raluka - Out Of Your Business
Everyday you see me walk away
I ain't got no more reason to stay
Say goodbye and I'll be on my way
I'm out of your business, out of your business.
Day and night I leave it all behind
'Cause I got my own piece of mind
And there's nothing that can keep me by
I'm out of your business, out of your business.
I can't deal your love, no more
'Cause I can't take it anymore
I can't deal your love, no more
I'm out of your business, out of your business.
I can't deal your love, no more
'Cause I can't take it anymore
I can't deal your love, no more
I'm out of your business, out of your business
Love, love, love,
I'm out of your business
Love, love, love
Out of your business, love.
Everyday you see me walk away
But then I get there's nothing else to say.
Tomorrow's gotta be a brighter day
I'm out of your business, out of your business.
Day and night I leave it all behind
'Cause I got my own piece of mind
And there's nothing that can keep me by
I'm out of your business, out of your business.
Out of your, out of your,
Out of your, out of your,
Out of your, out of your
Out of your business, love.
Out of your, out of your,
Out of your, out of your,
Out of your, out of your
Out of your business, love.
I can't deal your love, no more
'Cause I can't take it anymore
I can't deal your love, no more
I'm out of your business, out of your business
I can't deal your love, no more
'Cause I can't take it anymore
I can't deal your love, no more
I'm out of your business, out of your business
Love, love, love,
I'm out of your business
Love, love, love
Out of your business, love.
CONNECT-R - Ring The Alarm
The weak she's playing me is dangerous
Tonight this magic is for the two of us
So come on babe get down, down, down, down
So sexy...
Somebody help me it's emergency
I know that body is just killing me
The girl is breaking me down, down, down, down
Yeh ring ding ding the alarm I'm in danger
Tonight I'm falling in love with a stranger
Yeh ring ding ding the alarm I'm in danger
Yeh ring ding ding
Alarma ring... Come again
We step in to that ritmo uno, dos
This night is magic for the two of us
So come on babe get down, down, down, down
So sexy...
Somebody help me it's emergency
I know that body is just killing me
The girl is breaking me down, down, down, down
We gonna start...'cos we can't stop
Summer time coming
We're going on and on and on and on and on.....
Yeh ring ding ding ding
Yeh ring ding ding the alarm I'm in danger
Tonight I'm falling in love with a stranger
Yeh ring ding ding the alarm I'm in danger
Yeh ring ding ding
Alarma ring... Come again
Yeh ring ding ding the alarm I'm in danger
Tonight I'm falling in love with a stranger
Yeh ring ding ding the alarm I'm in danger
Yeh ring ding ding
Alarma ring... Come again
Alright...Come again...Come again...
And we're out!
Mory Kante - Yeke Yeke
bi sounkouroun lou la donkégna ah ah
bi kamberen lou la donkegna ah ah
i madji i ma yélé
i kanan n'bila nara ro
n'bo n'bolo bila
kanfalani yana sara le ila
gnin kisse gbela serra le ils
yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
ké woyé boli lalé
n'na doni kassi kan
woyé boli lalé
eh eh
nyé n'ta sorona kono mi ma ta i yonfé
wo dén té soron lonkéléna
sini mory la diyandé
timba bara wouloukounta
souba ma kata i yala
ah sara lila
yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké
djely mousso ni kédjou to wara bo
m'ba mofila téma yan féou
yékéké nimo yé ké yé ké ...
Dan Balan - Freedom
She says : "Love sucks this way"
Another evening goes away..
Night and day,
Night and day, she hates that feeling..
I can't explain..I got a lot of love...lot of love..
Night and day,
Night and day..She hills my feelings..
Freedom! All I want is one more night!
I don't wanna wait,
I don't wanna wait, no one more minute! (2x)
She says : "Don't leave the way"
Throw all the feelings that you say..
Night and day,
Night and day, she needs that feeling..
I won't complain..I got a lot of love..lot of love..
Night and day,
Night and day..She kills my feelings...
Freedom! All I want is one more night!
I don't wanna wait,
I don't wanna wait, no one more minute! (2x)
Freedom! All I want is one more night!
I don't wanna wait,
I don't wanna wait, no one more minute! (2x)
Crush and Alexandra - I Need U More
Cause I know what you said when you walked away
And in this day all my love
Oh how I wish to turn back those days
And now your so far away
And now I am looking out the door .
Waiting for you to come
Cause I can’t wait for you no more, look inside then.
You know cause I can love you again
If you'll love me .
You know cause I can love you again
But if you'll love me.
I need you more (x3)
Oh baby I need you more (x 2)
Let just start, a better life with you apart
I can know that my heart
It could be forever in love
You and me, come it's so easily .
And now I am looking out the door
Waiting for you to come .
Cause I can’t wait for you no more look inside then.
You know cause I can love you again
But if you'll love me .
You know cause I can love you again
But if you'll love me.
I need you more (x3),
Oh baby I need you more (x 2)
That's why (3)
You know cause I can love you again
If you'll love me.
You know cause I can love you again
But if you'll love me.
I love you more(x3)
Oh baby I need you more.
Crush feat Alexandra Ungureanu - Tonight We'll Rise
I don't have to justify
The way I live my life
There's a reason I'm alive
Ten years I`m a be the same
There's no time for you to waste
I can give you tonight a chance
Now the world is in your hand
Follow me...
Tonight we'll rise
Throw your loving in the sky
Let the rythm take you high
Tonight we'll rise
And I need your feel (alive)
I don't have to justify
The way I live my life
There's a reason I'm alive
Ten years I`m a be the same
There's no time for you to waste
I can give you tonight a chance
Now the world is in your hand
Follow me...
Tonight we'll rise
Throw your loving in the sky
Let the rythm take you high
Tonight we'll rise
And I need your feel (alive)
I have never felt so real
I can make you feel alive
Tonight we'll rise
Throw your loving in the sky
Let the rythm take you high
Tonight we'll rise
And I need your feel (alive).
Jeremih & 50 Cent - Down On Me
[50 cent]
She want it I can tell she want it
want me to push up on it
fore she know when I’m all on it
we get the party going liquor flowing this is fire
50 and jeremih number 1 there’s nothing higher
(won’t you go and)
get it get it (I see you baby)
work it work it
(won’t you, just put it down)
get it get it
work it work it
break it break it down…
Ok she headed to the dancefloor and she slowly start to poppin it
something like my wrist cause everybody got to watching it
girl you go that secret treasure I’m gon put that lock on it
don’t care what they say I would be stupid to be not on it
heard you go that sticky
lets go and take 9 shots we’ll just call it fifty
and I’m gon lick it lick it lick it
till her hicky have her Rev running
keep you running til you whimpy
(bang bang bang bang)
Oh you look so sweet
what you work in Paris
look at your pysique
girl you are a beauty well I am a beast
they must have been trippin to let me off the leash
[Jeremih Chorus]
I love the way you grind with that booty on me
shorty you a dime why you looking lonely
we’ll buy another round and it’s all on me
as long as I’m around put it down on me
just put it down on me
put it down on me
down down on me
don’t throw it off the mound
show me how its gon be
giurl all I really want is you down on me
put it down on me
[50 cent]
Systems thumping party jumping
shorty she’s a perfect 10
she rock her hips than roll her hips
than drop it down like it’s nothing
she shaped just like an hour glass
she see how fast an hour passed
time flies when I’m on that ass
but I won’t put our sh-t on blast
work it like a pro pro pro
sit and watch it go go go
do her thing all on the floor
she bounce it fast and shake it slow
so sexual incredible
she beautiful she edible
I got her I won’t let her go
I aint seen nothing better yo
look at how she twurk it
the way she work it
make me wanna hit it hit it
heaven when I’m in it in it
if I do not fit, I’m gonna make it
girl you can take it
don’t stop get it get it
Say you independant
get it from your momma
tell me if you with it
do you really wanna wanna
baby when you see me
you know I be on it
can you keep it up
put ït all up on me
DJ Antoine feat Timati - Welcome To St. Tropez
Welcome to St. Tropez
Get fresh gotta stay fly
Get the jet I gotta stay high
High up like a la la la
Ain’t nothin here that ma money can’t buy
Dolce, Gucci and Louis V
Yatch so big I could live in the sea
You for real u can’t see me
In these Euro frames the whole world change
Mad bitches so much Broads
Feeling like when I wanna fuck them all
Get mad brain in ma very fast car
Ferrari v12 Marilena on ma arm
Ladies can’t resist the charm
Haters, kiss the ring of the Don
And we do this all day, welcome to St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Too much money in the bank account
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Spending money in a large amount
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Oh yeah
Welcome to St. Tropez
We make money, money we spending’
Get mad Henny, swimming and women
Imported Linen, Egyptian cotton
The party just started, the party ain’t stopin’
Keep shit poppin’, poppin these bottles
Haters keep hatin’, fu**n’ these models
So much money like we own the lotto
Pull up to a club in a white murcielago
He don’t make dollars, he don’t make cents
He don’t make you rich, he don’t mean shit, shit
Give me the shit. I mean how much better can it get
Harleys, Maserati, Gallardos, we make too much doe
And we spend it all day, welcome to St. Tropez
Oh yeah
Woah, party now
Too much money in the bank account
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Too much money in the bank account
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Spending money in a large amount
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Spending money in a large amount
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Spending money in a large amount
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, all the way from Moscow, Russia
Give a warm welcome for heavy weight rap champion B smooth….
So make some noise for the one and only, Mr. Black Star
Get it up, don’t stop your body
Comon’ ladies, let’s get naughty
Get it up, now everybody
Comon’ girls, here comes the daddy
Get it up, don’t stop your body
Get it up, again your body
Get it up, now everybody
Get it up for music
Woah, party now
Too much money in the bank account
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Too much money in the bank account
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Spending money in a large amount
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Woah, party now
Spending money in a large amount
Hands in the air make you scream and shout
When we’re in St. Tropez
Welcome to St Tropez.
Michelle & Randi - Only You
What's that feeling that I get?
My heart is drowning in regret.
Hands are shaking, eyes are full of shame.
Lost myself, but I don't care,
I'm going but I don't know where.
My feet are taking me away from you.
Only you .. only you..
My beautiful dream, I loved you
Only you .. only you
You gave me your heart x2
I have no reason now to stay,
But I will think of you and pray
That you will find someone to love again.
I'm leaving and I won't come back
You'll find your way, you'll be alright,
But promise me you won't forget my name.
(Mishelle):Only you .. only you..
My beautiful dream, I loved you
Only you .. only you
You gave me your heart.
(Randi): Only you .. only you..
My beautiful dream, I loved you
Only you .. only you
You gave me your heart.
Only you .. only you..
My beautiful dream, I loved you
Only you .. only you
You gave me your heart x2
Play & Win - Ya BB
I don't wanna lose you
I'm lost in dream without you
Keeping on love
Keep beside of me
Time from mid to morning we gonna keep on loving
Run away with me to my beautiful world
Ya BB(Repeat)
You hold my world
This is what she said
Ya BB (Repeat)
You hold my world
arab version
Ya BB(Repeat)
You hold my world
This is what she said
Ya BB (Repeat)
You hold my world
Ya BB(Repeat)
You hold my world
This is what she said
Ya BB (Repeat)
You hold my world
You're the one I hold for me
You're in my heart
When you smile I'm free
I can make your wish come true
Cause nobody loves you like I do
Ya BB (Repeat)
You hold my world
This is what she said
Ya BB (Repeat)
You hold my world
Ya BB (Repeat)
You hold my world
This is what she saïd
Ya BB (Repeat)
You hold my world.
Lucky Man Project - Pumpin
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
Just keep my body pumpin
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
Just keep my body pumpin
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
All night baybeeee! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
Just keep my body pumpin
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
All night Baybe
Yo quiero ver la .. que mata
Rompe el ritmo et .. mas
Muestra mi como juegas
Mueve tu cuerpo
Baila así mami
Aquí estoy por ti
Find More lyrics at
Porque te estoy mirando
tú sientes el ritmo
te gusta
estoy loco por ti
no puedo sentar sin ti
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
Just keep my body pumpin
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
Just keep my body pumpin
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
All night baybeeee! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
Just keep my body pumpin
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
Just keep my body pumpin
I wanna give it to you
As long you give it to me
Just keep my body pumpin
All night baybe!!
Rihanna - Man Down
I didn't mean to end his life
I know it wasn't right
I cant even sleep at night
Cant get it off my mind
I need to get out of sight
Before I end up behind bars
What started out as a simple altercation
Turned into a real sticky situation
Me just thinking on the time that im facing
Makes me wanna cry
Cause I didn't mean to hurt him
Coulda been somebodies son
And I took his heart when
I pulled out that gun
Rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum
Man Down
Rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum
Man Down
Oh mama mama mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big ol crowd
Oh Why Oh Why
Oh mama mama mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
It's a 22
I Call her peggy sue
When she fits right down in my shoes
What do you expect me to do
If you're playing me for a fool
I will lose my cool
And reach for my fire arm
I didn't mean to lay him down
But its too late to turn back now
don't know what I was thinking
Now hes no longer living
So imma bout to leave town
Cause I didn't mean to hurt him
Coulda been somebodies son
And I took his heart when
I pulled out that gun
Rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum
Man Down
Rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum
Man Down
Oh mama mama mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big ol crowd
Oh Why Oh Why
Oh mama mama mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
Look I never coulda do it
Never coulda do it
Never coulda do it
Oh gosh
What ever happened to me
Ever happened to me
Ever happened to me
Why did I pull the trigger
Pull the trigger pull the trigger BOOM
And end a ni**a end a ni**as life so soon
When mi pull the trigger pull the trigger pull it pon you
Somebody tell me what im gonna what im gonna do
Rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum
Mi say wah man down( A weh mi say)
Rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bumm rum bum bum bum
When mi went downtown
Cause now imma criminal criminal criminal
Oh lord a mercy now I am a criminal
Man Down
Tell the judge please gimme minimal
Run out a town none a dem cah see mi now
Oh mama mama mama
I just shot a man down
In central station
In front of a big ol crowd
Oh Why Oh Why
Oh mama mama mama
I just shot a man down
In central station.
Smiley - Dream Girl
I'm sitting alone, drinking alcohol
Writing a song about you
I know it's so sad, maybe even mad
But I know what you do behind my back
x2 You say that you in love, in love with me
But know that you're lying to me
Ref x2
My dream girl is gone now and the story goes on
So, what can I do with my life without you?
You're nothing but a whore always ready to go
You sold your soul for a little dough
And I can not understand how we could be friends
Let go of my hand, this is where it ends
2x: So you say that you in love, in love with me
But know that I lie to me
2x: My dream girl is gone now and the story goes on
So, what can I do with my life without you?
Pitbull & Ne-Yo - Give Me Everything
[Pitbull - Intro]
Me not working hard?
Yea right picture that with a kodak
And better yet, go to times square
Take a picture of me with a kodak
Took my life from negative to positive
And I just want y'all know that
And tonight, let's enjoy life
Pitbull, Nayer, Ne-Yo
[Ne-Yo / Nayer - Chorus]
Tonight I will love love you tonight
Give me everything tonight
For all we know we might not get tomorrow
Let's do it tonight
I will love love you tonight
Give me everything tonight
For all we know we might not get tomorrow
Lets do it tonight
Let's do it tonight
Grab somebody sexy tell ‘em hey
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
[Pitbull - Pre Chorus]
Excuse me
But I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight
And I might take you home with me if I could tonight
And I think you should let me cause I look good tonight
And we might not get tomorrow
[Ne-Yo / Nayer - Chorus]
Tonight I will love love you tonight
Give me everything tonight
For all we know we might not get tomorrow
Lets do it tonight
I will love love you tonight
Give me everything tonight
For all we know we might not get tomorrow
Lets do it tonight
Lets do it tonight
Grab somebody sexy tell ‘em hey
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Give me everything tonight
Excuse me
But I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight
And I might take you home with me if I could tonight
And I think you should let me cause I look good tonight
And we might not get tomorrow.
Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Over The Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh
Someday I’ll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me ee ee eeh
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops thats where you’ll find me oh
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,why, oh why can’t I? i iiii
Well I see trees of green and
Red roses too,
I’ll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying, I…I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They’ll learn much more
Than we’ll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world (w)oohoorld
Someday I’ll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that’s where you’ll find me
Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can’t I? I hiio ?
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo.
Deepside Deejays - Never Be Alone
I'll never be alone, be alone, be alone,
Cause you are in my soul, in my soul, in my soul
I'll never make you cry, make you cry, make you cry
You give me sunrise with your smile [x 2]
I'll never be alone...
Turn the lights
A lil' down low
We can be together
Turn the lights a litle bit
So we can go slow
And we can be forever.
Give me a whole life
We gotta be together ever moonlight
I hold you so tight
Till morning and the sun
Will be our moonlight
I'll never be alone, be alone, be alone,
Cause you are in my soul, in my soul, in my soul
I'll never make you cry, make you cry, make you cry
You give me sunrise with your smile x2
I'll never be alone...
I'll never be alone...
I'll never be alone, be alone, be alone,
Cause you are in my soul, in my soul, in my soul
I'll never make you cry, make you cry, make you cry
You give me sunrise with your smile
I'll never be alone...
Give me all your love, love, love, love, love
And I'll give you mine
Alright [x 4]
I'll never be alone.
Allexinno & Starchild - Senorita
Hey Señorita, mi alma no olvida
Como puedes ser tan linda,
Te quiero mas y mas.
Hey Señorita, mi morena querida,
Esta noche con amor, vamos a jugar.
Verse 1:
When the sun is going down she's dancing on me
The greatest part of the night, is when she moves her body,
I love her skills crossing over the bound,
The way she's touching the sound.
Hey don't lie, girl you must proove it,
Baby, try, to keep your body movin'
Hey don't lie, girl you must proove it,
Baby, try, to keep your body movin'.
Verse 2:
Let the moon watch us dance
Fill the night with romance,
Baby let's dance around the fire.
Let me kiss you on time,
I won't act like a mime,
Baby feel me, fulfill my desir.
Don Omar & Lucenzo - Danza Kuduro
Las manos arriba cintura sola
Da media vuelta danza kuduro
No te canses ahora que esto solo
Mueve la cabeza danza kuduro.
Las manos arriba cintura sola
Da media vuelta danza kuduro
No te canses ahora que esto solo
Mueve la cabeza danza kuduro.
Quien puede domar la fuerza del mar
Que se mete por tus venas
Lo caliente de sol que se te metio
Y no te deja quieta nena.
Quien puede parar eso de al bailar
Descontrola tus caderas sexy
Y ese fuego que quema por dentro
Y lento se convierte en una fiera.
Las manos arriba cintura sola
Da media vuelta y sacude duro
No te canses ahora que esto solo
Mueve la cabeza y sacude duro.
Balançar què uma loucura
Morena vem a meu lado
Ninguem vai ficar parado
Quero ver Mexa kuduro
Balançar què uma loucura
Morena vem a meu lado
Ninguem vai ficar parado oh.
Oi oi oi, oi oi oi
E para quebrer kuduro, vamos dançar
Oi oi oi, oi oi oi
Seja morena o loira, vem balançar
Oi oi oi
Las manos arriba cintura sola
Da media vuelta danza kuduro
No te canses ahora que esto solo
Mueve la cabeza danza kuduro.
Las manos arriba cintura sola
Da media vuelta danza kuduro
No te canses ahora que esto solo
Mueve la cabeza danza kuduro.
Balançar què uma loucura
Morena vem a meu lado
Ninguem vai ficar parado
Quero ver Mexa kuduro
Balançar què uma loucura
Morena vem a meu lado
Ninguem vai ficar parado oh.
Oi oi oi, oi oi oi
E para quebrer kuduro, vamos dançar
Oi oi oi, oi oi oi
Seja morena o loira, vem balançar
Oi oi oi
Las manos arriba cintura sola
Da media vuelta danza kuduro
No te canses ahora que esto solo
Mueve la cabeza danza kuduro.
Las manos arriba cintura sola
Da media vuelta danza kuduro
No te canses ahora que esto solo
Mueve la cabeza danza kuduro.
Guess Who feat. Demoga - Tot mai sus
Si visul meu nu are limite
Zboara peste tot, gandeste limpede
Ma indruma dupa cum imi pun in minte, toate gandurile
Sa fac totul ca la carte, sa rup randurile
Ca poate azi nu, dar maine sigur nu-i la fel
Trage de mine caracterul meu de fier
Ca ba e ploaie, vant niciun curcubeu
Da cica toate astea sunt doar in capul meu
Si imi zice: du-te nu mai sta
Tu chiar nu vezi cat ai intarziat deja
Aruncati toate visele intr-o geanta si pleaca
Grabeste-te ca trenul asta nu asteapta
Dar eu stiu deja ca vreau cu totul altceva
Inchide ochii iti poti imagina
Ca lumea e a ta, si in plus
Poti sa sari sus sus sus...
Ai mei, ai mei, ai mei, ai mei, n-au avut habar...
Cat de sus, cat de sus, cat de sus, cat de sus pot eu sa sar...
Acum ca nu, nu, nu numai am nimic de ascuns...
Pot sa ma duc tot mai sus...
Mai sus, tot mai, tot mai sus, tot mai..
Mai sus, tot mai, tot mai sus sus...
Si poate iti dau totul peste cap
Ca poate fac doar lucruri care imi plac
Poate nu ma imbrac la costum,
Poate nu spun minciuni
Sunt liber sa fiu stapan pe ce fac si ce spun
Stii, nimic nu mai e la fel
Copilaria s-a maturizat sever
S-a lovit pana acum de fel de fel
De oameni de pareri, n tipuri de caracter
Si vad cum unii stau degeaba, frate sunt multi
Dar vad si altii care lupta incercand sa mute munti
Oameni care au ceva de spus
Oameni care vor sa ajunga tot mai sus
Ai mei, ai mei, ai mei, ai mei, n-au avut habar
Cat de sus, cat de sus, cat de sus, cat de sus pot eu sa sar
Acum ca nu, nu, nu numai am nimic de ascuns
Pot sa ma duc tot mai sus
Mai sus sus, mai sus sus, mai sus tot mai sus sus
Mai sus sus.mai sus sus, mau sus tot mai Sus.
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